As electricians working in and around the Broxbourne and Hertfordshire area, we are often asked to fit additional lighting circuits in the home.
Sometimes there is not means to get power to these areas or it requires lots of chasing of walls and this is not simply possible. This is where wireless switching can be a great benefit to any home.
How does remote wireless switching work?
A remote wireless light switch will typically use RF (radio frequency) or Bluetooth technology which allows a signal to travel wirelessly. There is also the option to control the modules by your phone as most are WIFI compatible.
A Kinetic switch will need to be paired to a receiver to control the lights.
A Kinetic switch allows you to have complete control over your lights from anywhere in the house. Most receivers have a 30 metre range indoors and 160 metre range outdoors.
Why choose wireless switching?
As mentioned at the start of the blog wireless switching is an easier and simpler solutions to many lighting problems in the home. The conventional way to install new lighting circuits be it the home or garden would of required walls to be chased, floor boards to be removed and general disruption to home. In some instances this is just not possible and can be to costly. Wireless switch can solve all these problems and minimise the disruption and cost.
Additional benefits?
With the technology ever changing you can choose to have your wireless switching controlled by your phone as many of the modules are WIFI compatible mean you can control your lighting away from the home as a security feature giving you the added piece of mind while you are away.
How long does it last?
On average the switches and modules will last up to twenty thousand switches this works out to be approximately 25 years of use.
How often do I need to change the batteries in the switches?
Again this is another great advantage to the kinetic switches there are no batteries to replace once paired with your wireless module its simply click and forget just light a conventional switch.
Will I need access to the wireless receivers?
Yes you will need access the receivers and these are normally fitted next to the fuse board, in the loft or cupboard space, if they are fitted outside they will need to be installed in a waterproof enclosure.
If you would like a quote for wireless switching, give us a call today on 07742485307