All accessories, outlets, sockets, switches, fittings, fuse boards and metering equipment are visually inspected to look for defects, signs of damage, signs of burning and to make sure there access to live parts.
Your electrical system will be switched off and isolated, some live tests are carried out on the incoming supply.
The earthing is inspected and tested (gas, water and oil).
A percentage of points are removed from every circuit for internal inspections and testing, if any defects are found more points are removed.
A series of dead tests are carried out to check circuits are complete and safe, there is earthing where required and to check the general health of the cabling.
All removed points are then re-instated and live tests are carried out, these tests are to make sure protective devices are functional and will trip in the event of any unsafe situations.
On completion a full in-depth report in PDF format will be emailed to you and we will talk you through our findings.